Is Delta-9 Legal in New Mexico?


What Is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC (Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) is an isomer of THC and the active chemical compound, otherwise called cannabinoid, in Cannabis sativa L. plants responsible for the "high" experienced by users. Both the hemp and marijuana varieties of cannabis have it. Hence, Delta-9 THC can either be hemp-based or derived from marijuana. Delta-9 THC is the most abundant and potent cannabinoid found naturally in cannabis. It is similar to the natural chemical anandamide in the brain and binds directly to the nervous system and the brain's receptors (endocannabinoid system). Delta-9 THC's interactions with a person's endocannabinoid system send messages related to perception, memory, concentration, thinking, and pleasure.

A person may become relaxed, extraordinarily focused, dizzy, or temporarily lose the perception of events and time after consuming a Delta-9 THC-infused product. Side effects associated with using Delta-8 THC include anxiety, increased blood pressure, hallucinations, memory loss, elevated heart rate, red eyes, increased appetite, and dry mouth. Users may also find it difficult to speak or think for some time.

Delta-9 THC is used for medical and recreational purposes, as confirmed in a survey by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). The survey indicated over 30% of adults use Delta-9 THC for medical purposes. Delta-9 THC's potential benefits include managing or treating muscle spasticity, glaucoma, pain, insomnia, anxiety, and low appetite. It is also believed to enhance sex, improve sleep, and elevate a person's mood. Popular Delta-9 THC product forms in New Mexico include oils, vapes, topicals, isolates, gummies, beverages, and transdermal patches.

Is Delta-9 Legal in New Mexico?

Yes, Delta-9 THC is legal in New Mexico, provided it is derived from hemp with no more than 0.3% THC. Generally, it is believed that the amount of THC produced by hemp is not enough to intoxicate consumers. New Mexico enacted HB 581 (the New Mexico Hemp Manufacturing Act) in 2019, legalizing hemp and its derivatives, including Delta-9 THC. Before then, the 2018 Farm Bill was passed at the federal level to legalize hemp in the United States, an action that delisted hemp from the schedule of controlled substances. The provisions of HB 581 align with the 2018 Farm Bill.

In 2021, New Mexico also enacted the Cannabis Regulation Act (HB 2) to legalize recreational cannabis, permitting adults aged 21 years and older to consume marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC. HB 2 made provisions for licensing adult-use cannabis dispensaries, allowing them to sell marijuana-based Delta-9 THC products to eligible residents. These dispensaries can also retail hemp-derived Delta-9 THC-infused products. New Mexico residents can purchase hemp-based Delta-9 THC products from online stores in or outside the state. Federal laws permit the shipping of products infused with hemp-derived Delta-9 THC from other states where Delta-9 is legal into New Mexico.

What is the Difference Between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC is naturally found in more abundance in Cannabis Sativa plants than Delta-8 THC. As a result, most Delta-8 THC products are synthesized, extracted, and purified from CBD using certain solvents. Although both are isomers of THC, Delta-9 THC is relatively stronger and more potent than Delta-8 THC. Researchers suggest that Delta-8 THC may be about one-third less potent than an equivalent quantity of Delta-9 THC.

Delta-9 THC usually provides stronger psychoactive effects than Delta-8 THC. The slight chemical distinction between the two compounds is responsible for how users feel, including physical effects and cognitive changes, when they consume them. Most Delta-8 THC consumers in New Mexico want to use it for its medicinal effects, such as anxiety reduction, relief from insomnia, pain relief, and reduced inflammation. On the other hand, people may want to use Delta-8 THC recreationally for its "high" effects.

Delta-9 vs Delta-10

Delta-10 THC generally causes milder psychoactive effects than Delta-9 THC. Unlike Delta-9 THC, Delta-10 THC naturally occurs in extremely low amounts in the hemp and marijuana varieties of Cannabis sativa plants. While Delta-9 THC is readily available for extraction in cannabis plants, extracting Delta-8 THC in its natural form requires considerable effort and time, and it can be very expensive. Hence, it is often synthesized in laboratories when needed for extensive production. The effects of Delta-9 THC are usually more intense than Delta-10 THC. Consumers consider Delta-10 THC as more motivating and mentally energetic without feeling the hazy effects characteristics of Delta-9 THC consumption.

How Long Does Delta-9 Stay in Your System?

Delta-9 THC can stay in a person's system anywhere between one and 90 days, or even longer, after ingesting the substance. Generally, how long Delta-9 THC stays in a person's body in New Mexico depends on many factors. These include the individual's metabolic rate, the amount of Delta-9 THC consumed, how often it is used, the consumer's age, and consumption method. THC metabolites stay longer in the system of Individuals who consume Delta-9 THC frequently. Similarly, the more Delta-9 THC a person consumes, the longer it takes their body to process and eliminate the substance from their system. Also, persons with high metabolic rates tend to process and eliminate Delta-9 THC and its metabolites more quickly than people with slow metabolic rates.

Because it lingers in the body for some time, Delta-9 THC can show up on drug tests. Delta-9 THC can stay in saliva and urine for between one and thirty days, depending on the frequency of use. It can be detected in hair follicles for up to 90 days after the last consumption. Delta-9 THC can remain in the blood for up to 24 days for regular users and up to two days for occasional consumers. Generally, drug tests will detect THC metabolites regardless of the THC isomer a person consumes. This means a conventional drug test may not be able to distinguish between Delta-9 THC and Delta-10 or Delta-8 THC.

Where Can I Find Delta-9 Gummies in New Mexico?

Delta-9 THC gummies and other Delta-9 THC-infused products derived from hemp with no more than 0.3% THC are sold by several retailers across New Mexico. Consumers can find any of these retail shops, including CBD stores, in their neighborhoods/localities. They can also get Delta-9 THC products at licensed cannabis dispensaries licensed by the New Mexico Cannabis Control Division (CCD). Marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC products may only be purchased from state-licensed marijuana retailers.

Some retail shops in New Mexico offer online sales services. Consumers can purchase Delta-9 THC products from such stores and have their orders delivered to them at home. While residents can order hemp-based Delta-9 THC gummies and other Delta-9 THC products derived from hemp online from other states and have them shipped to New Mexico, it is illegal to ship marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC into the state. Marijuana-based Delta-9 THC remains banned under federal law, and transporting it across state lines is prohibited. Generally, Delta-9 THC gummies are safe for consumption, but users must be cautious, as ingesting too much of it can intoxicate them.

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